Indramat servo motors are known for their quality and durability. They have an anticipated life span of 10 years, but we often see Indrmat servo motors that are still going strong after two or three decades of service. These Servos offer the advantages of high positioning accuracy, high dynamic stiffness and low vibration. They are known for their reliability, long service life, and ease of operation. However, you may eventually have problems caused by dirt or wear on internal components such as bearings and seals.
Nothing lasts forever.
So should you replace your Indramat systems with something newer, or go for repairs?
Repair is environmentally responsible
Sending your servo to the landfill should be the last resort, for the sake of the environment. You can’t put this in your recycle bin or repurpose it as a planter.
But you can repair it.
Factory repair or reman can get your servo back to work for another decade or two. That’s good stewardship.
Factory repair means it’s just like new
Here’s a new Indramat servo:

Here’s a factory repaired servo:

In other words, your factory repaired servo is just as good as it was when it was new. In fact, since it will be updated with the newest parts, it may be better and more technologically advanced than it was when you first commissioned it.
The ripple effect
If you replace your Indramat servo with a new servo, you may need to update other parts of your system, and even rearrange your factory floor. Repairing your component means it will come back to you with the same footprint and the same capability. You won’t need to make changes to accommodate a new component.
Change is stressful, they say, and one reason for that is that changes often have ripple effects, creating further changes that you hadn’t planned on.
Repair lets you avoid that.
There may come a time when you’re ready for an upgrade to your whole system. At that point, we can help you plan for a Bosch Rexroth system. Until then, let us facilitate your factory repairs for the least downtime.