Indramat Power Supply Modules
Indramat electric motion control was the gold standard in the second half of the 20th century. Many Indramat drives, controls, and servos are still in service. An Indramat AC drive system consists of a power supply module and one or more drives. Depending on the specific power supply module, one module can provide power for six, ten, or even more drives.

Indramat no longer makes power supply, so replacing or repairing these modules can be a challenge. Fortunately, we offer phone support, field service, and factory repair for legacy Indramat components.
When you turn to a third party repair service, you’re taking a chance. Third party repair shops can’t get original Indramat parts. Factory repair means original parts and repair by qualified personnel. Depending on the condition of your units, you may even receive a new factory warranty. Either way, you’ll have like-new machinery after factory repair.
Avoid downtime during factory repair with emergency replacement modules. We have the largest selection of emergency replacement units in the country. Our top priority is always to get you back up and running as fast as possible. That’s why we have charter planes available to get your replacement units to you as quickly as possible.
The most popular Indramat power supply modules: