The Perils of Panic and a Temporary Indramat Repair

We’ve all been in panic situations. Something unexpectedly goes wrong, your stress levels surge, and you make some hasty decisions. Sometimes these quick decisions are based on what can get you out of panic mode the fastest rather than what’s the best long term solution. It’s tempting to default to a quick, temporary fix, but… Read more »

If It Ain’t Broke, Make Sure It Stays That Way

You’ve heard the saying, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. The idea here is that if something is working, don’t waste time, effort, or energy fiddling with it. This isn’t necessarily the right approach when it comes to industrial motion control systems, however. Scheduling regular Indramat maintenance to prevent problems before they occur is… Read more »

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

Some pictures of Indramat servos on eBay or on servo repair websites look like the motor spent a few years working in a coal mine or was toted to work by a chimney sweep. There are strange burns and globs of solder. Dents and dings. Basically, the servos look like they’re in pretty rough condition…. Read more »

Don’t Roll the Dice With a Temporary Servo Repair

Your packaging system is down and you’re panicking. You have deadlines, and employees, and you just need to get your system up and running as quickly as possible. It may seem as though a patch job is the most convenient, fastest, and cheapest option, but there’s nothing good about temporary servo repair with Indramat motion… Read more »

Resolving Indramat Error Code C220

Indramat motion control systems rarely have problems. Ironically, it’s this reliability that can send operators into panic mode when they see error codes pop up. Indramat error code C220 is a fairly common error to see – as far as Indramat error codes go, that is. Here’s what may be causing error code C220, and… Read more »

Will Collaborative Robots Work With Industrial Robots?

Collaborative robots are meant to assist human workers. This is, of course, an important and worthy purpose. Developing robots that are safe enough to deploy alongside humans to improve their efficiency and productivity can improve manufacturing as well as other type of work. But what if collaborative robots – or cobots – didn’t just collaborate… Read more »

Things You Can Do While You Wait for Indramat Factory Repair

Indramat factory repair is the way to go. Every minute your machines are down costs your business money. Downtime costs rack up quickly, you have employees aimlessly wandering around looking for ways to be useful, and then there’s the thought of deadlines pressing down on you, too. When something goes wrong with your machinery, you… Read more »

Sewing Robots

Industrial robots have been able to handle, manipulate, and assemble rigid materials for ages. It’s the soft, flexible, and flowy materials that give robots trouble. Steel is predictable. You know what it’s going to do and where it’s going to be. Fabric, on the other hand, is wily and unpredictable. Cloth cascades, slips, and folds… Read more »

Is Manufacturing Back?

Offshoring hit U.S. manufacturing pretty hard. The Recession did its damage to American manufacturing back in 2007, too. But now that manufacturing employment has steadily increased for a few years, and people are getting excited about reshoring, some are claiming that manufacturing is back. But just how back is manufacturing? Is it crawling back? Purring?… Read more »

The Trouble With DIY Servo Repair

The DIY trend has really taken off in recent years. You can find online videos teaching you how to do practically anything you could ever hope to learn. It’s amazing what can be accomplished with a search engine and a can-do attitude, and it’s great that people are taking a hands-on approach towards things, but… Read more »