A robot that can kill people? It sounds scary, right? The truth is that killer robots have been around for quite some time. The first killer robot Robert Williams died January 25, 1979. He was the first known human to be killed by a robot. Williams had climbed a storage shelf at the Ford Motor… Read more »
10 Interesting Facts about the Fourth of July
Happy Fourth of July! Here are ten interesting facts about July 4th to break out at your celebratory cookout. 10 facts about the Fourth of July The Declaration of Independence wasn’t signed on Independence Day. Congress officially named Independence Day an unpaid holiday in 1870. It was changed to a paid federal holiday in 1941…. Read more »
Are Humans Going to Take Jobs Away from Robots?
By now the entire world has heard that robots are stealing jobs from hardworking humans. We know that robots are mean, evil, and they’re going to be our overlords, or something to that effect. Soon, no one will be employable, we will have to tax robots to supplement the lost revenue from income taxes, and… Read more »
Does It Make Sense to Tax Robots?
Bill Gates proposed the idea of taxing industrial robots. This might be a little alarming to anyone who owns factory machinery. Why would we need to tax robots, and does it make sense to tax robots? Why would we tax robots? The idea is that right now a worker pays taxes on his wages. If… Read more »
Is There a Difference Between Indramat Fault Codes and Indramat Error Codes?
Let’s say that an ominous diagnostic message pops up on your Indramat drive controller, and your servos stop working. While searching for someone who can fix your system, you come across references to both “fault codes” and “error codes”. Is one more serious than the other? Are they cleared in the same way? Is there… Read more »
A Reminder from Popcorn Butter
Amazon is one of the world’s largest retailers; the company shipped more than 5 billion items through Amazon Prime last year alone. During Amazon Prime Day 2016, the online retailer saw over 600 sales per second. While specific figures weren’t released for Prime Day 2017, Amazon reported that purchases increased more than 50% over the… Read more »
Teaching Robots to Change Their Surroundings
One of the biggest challenges facing robots is unpredictable environments. Robots excel in a factory or laboratory setting. They thrive when conditions are controlled and consistent. They perform their programmed tasks to a T with speed, efficiency, and consistency that no human can match. Of course, machines wilt once things get a little less predictable…. Read more »
Finding A Friend in Robots
You know the advantages of robots when it comes to manufacturing. They save money, eliminate waste, increase profits, maximize production, and they make the workplace safer. And that’s just scraping the surface. It’s difficult to imagine what manufacturing would be like, or the world for that matter, without automation. We’ve turned to robots to solve… Read more »
Indramat Tech Support
Maybe something went wrong with your Indramat control and it needs to be repaired. The hot weather is putting extra strain on your servo motors, and you want to prevent them from failing. Or perhaps some random error code struck from the blue and you have no idea what it means or how to fix… Read more »
Are We Really Losing Jobs to Machines?
You often hear that we’re losing jobs to automation. The number of industrial machines and factory robots keeps going up, while the number of people employed in manufacturing keeps going down. Just 8.5% of Americans worked in factories last year, whereas 30% of Americans worked in factories back in 1950. But are we really losing… Read more »