Can You Still Buy Indramat Servo Motors?

Indramat motion control systems are legacy. This means that these systems are no longer made. While you can still buy Indramat servo motors, drives, controls, and other Indramat products, you must be careful during the process. Call 479-422-0390 for professional Indramat support. Indramat servos are no longer manufactured All of the Indramat servo motors used… Read more »

Fast Facts About U.S. Manufacturing

Manufacturing is an important part of the U.S. economy. The National Association of Manufacturers states that every dollar spent in manufacturing returns another $1.82 to the economy — the highest multiplier of any economic sector. Here’s a look at the most recent manufacturing numbers, according to 2018 data from the United States Census Bureau. Manufacturing… Read more »

Indramat Heat Errors Aren’t Just a Summer Problem

The days are growing shorter, the fields are turning from green to gold, and summer is winding to an end. You may be looking forward to flannel weather, pumpkin spice season, and packing up the box fans that keep your Indramat system cool for storage until next summer. Let nothing stand between you and your… Read more »

U.S. Technical Support for Indramat Systems

Nobody likes the emotional roller coaster that results from your Indramat system shutting down. Irritation, anger, frustration, worry and anxiety create a bitter cocktail that leaves you feeling like there’s a pit in your stomach. It’s difficult to say which is worse — knowing that every second of downtime costs your business money, or not… Read more »

Hidden Dangers on the Factory Floor

The factory floor can be a dangerous place. However, the things that many people think of as being the most dangerous — fast-flying parts and the powerful movements of industrial machines — aren’t the most likely to cause accidents and injuries. Factory machinery is generally safe when it’s in good condition and used properly. The… Read more »

Why We Don’t Know How Robots Will Affect Employment

Technology changes the way that humans work. This has been true throughout history. We first fashioned stone tools to take down trees. Next, we forged axes, and eventually we started gassing up our chainsaws. Today, we can sit comfortably in forest harvesters that topple trees in the blink of an eye. Technology makes work faster,… Read more »

Does It Matter What We Call a Robot?

Do you find yourself referring to virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa as she? “She said that it’s going to rain today.” “I don’t know when Apollo 11 landed. Ask Alexa, she can tell us!” You’re not alone. It’s difficult not to refer to software that has a female voice as she or her. The… Read more »

Does Technology Leave You Lonesome?

Technology changes the world. When your Indramat system was installed 30 years ago you conducted your business in person, you socialized with friends, family, and your community at parks, events, and public places, and you waked into stores to buy your clothing, groceries, and books. Today you can work remotely, socialize through social media, you… Read more »

Do You Have a Plan for an Indramat Emergency?

Indramat made some of the best industrial motion control products the world has ever seen. Indramat controls almost never fail, and many of the Indramat servo motors installed 20 and 30 years ago still run strong to this day. Unrivaled longevity and reliability have a way of lulling you into a false sense of security,… Read more »