5 Questions You Should Ask Before You Repair Your Indramat Servo

Most people don’t know how to repair an Indramat servo. But that’s OK, because it’s not your job. Only trained Indramat professionals should service Indramat products. Ask yourself these questions before you start tinkering with your motion control system. Where is your phone? The quickest, most convenient, most reliable, and most cost-effective way to restore… Read more »

Easy to Forget Indramat Safety Tips

Hard hats and safety glasses are easy to remember, but not all Indramat safety protocols are quite as obvious. Neglecting safety measures increases the risk of accident and injury on the factory floor. Make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep your system safe, and call 479-422-0390 for all of your Indramat service or… Read more »

Finding a Replacement Indramat Power Supply

If your power supply stops working, your motion control system stops with it. The trouble is that they don’t make Indramat power supply modules anymore. None of the controls, servo motors, or drives are made with the Indramat stamp anymore, for that matter; they’re all legacy products. This means that finding the right replacement part… Read more »

Health Technology Has Its Limitations

Technology plays a big role in health and wellness these days. From online health information to wearable fitness trackers to robotic-assisted surgery and AI cancer diagnosis — technology is there every step of the way. Before consumers get carried away trusting their health and well-being to machines, it’s important to recognize the capabilities and limitations… Read more »

Generic Parts and Indramat Products Don’t Mix

Some things go well together. Chocolate and peanut butter, burgers and fries, Batman and Robin — it’s difficult to think of one of these things without also thinking of the other. Then, there are things that do not play well together. Think baking soda and vinegar, cats and dogs, and brushing your teeth before drinking… Read more »

Indramat EcoDrive Error F402

Indramat Ecodrive error F402 indicates a Double MDT Failure Shutdown. There are several possible causes for this Indramat drive error. Start with the first possible cause in your troubleshooting guide if trying to clear this error code in-house. The troubleshooting guide lists possible causes and the corresponding remedial actions in order of most likely to… Read more »

Handling Indramat Emergencies

Sometimes Indramat errors just take little fixes; you can easily clear them in-house. Replacing your battery, swapping out a defective feedback cable, or just hitting the S1 reset button doesn’t call for any specialized skills or training. However, some errors require service or support from a trained Indramat professional. The trouble is that it’s often… Read more »

Third Party Servo Repair: A Slippery Slope

Here’s the progression. You call a third party servo repair shop to fix your Indramat system. They patch up your servos with solder and generic parts that are “close enough” to OEM parts. Your system can operate again, but the poor quality repair further damages your servos. This leads to extra downtime and extra repair… Read more »

Sweat Could Keep Soft Robots Cool

It’s easier to spot the differences between men and machines than commonalities; there are some surprising similarities, however. For example, electrical signals control movement in both robots and humans. People and machines both have cooling systems to keep from overheating. If your servos get too hot, your system shuts down; the same thing happens when… Read more »

Replacing Indramat Troubleshooting Guides

There is special class of items that you almost never use until they’re called upon to save the day. They sit around being utterly useless for most of their existence, but they’re invaluable in an emergency. A water meter key, a set of jumper cables, a fire extinguisher, an Indramat troubleshooting guide — you don’t… Read more »