Downtime can end up costing you a lot of money, especially when you consider all of the costs. The cost of downtime includes more than just the loss in production. There are a number of other factors that contribute to downtime costs. Calculating the cost of downtime will differ for each company. It’s difficult to… Read more »
Robot Plays Fetch
One of the things you’ll notice about robot innovations if you follow the news is that they don’t necessarily work. You’ll notice that about Boston Dynamics’ Spot, who can kind of play fetch. Here’s how it works. Take a dog toy and photograph it 400 times or more in a specific environment, so you can… Read more »
Biomimicry in Robotics
Biomimicry is neat. It’s incredibly fascinating to see mechanical representations of cheetahs, falcons, kangaroos, ants, and more, all built from wires and steel and servo motors. Enough robots have been designed using biomimicry that we could probably put together a pretty remarkable robotic zoo. But biomimicry is more than just neat. Biomimicry can help roboticists… Read more »
Indramat Manual
It’s not very often that you hear people complaining about how well made something is. When was the last time someone said to you, “You know, these shoes are great but they’re just too durable for my liking” or “I’ve been looking everywhere for a chair that I will have to replace in a year… Read more »
The History of Indramat
Most people who run systems using Indramat servo motors and servo drives can’t tell you a whole lot about the company that made those components. They recognize the name Indramat, but all they can tell you about the company is that they make machines that run for a really, really long time. There are a… Read more »
Robot Manicurists
A recent Nielsen report revealed that when people are asked what they’re most eager to do after pandemic restrictions lift, hitting the nail salon was #2, right after going back to church. Manicures are a $10 billion dollar business in the U.S. and several startups think they’re ripe for automation. Nimble, the closest to market-ready,… Read more »
Overheating Indramat Servos
Rising temperatures signal that summer is on its way; this means that you’re running out of time to prepare for overheating Indramat servos season. Sure, you might feign enthusiasm while putting on your favorite pair of shorts and a brightly colored tank top; you might act like you’re enjoying that ice cream cone. You might… Read more »
What Drives Indramat Motion Control Systems?
What is the purpose of a drive in an Indramat motion control system? Indramat motion control drives help relay information from the control to the motor; this means that your drive must function properly at all times to ensure your system runs smoothly. While Indramat drives rarely fail, they can develop issues. Call 479-422-0390 for… Read more »
What Is Indramat Firmware?
Indramat motion control systems make your life easier. With the right parts, programming, and personnel, you don’t need an in-depth knowledge of how these systems actually work. The obvious advantage of this is that you can implement industrial motion control in your factory without an advanced knowledge of automation; there’s no need to know all… Read more »
Heat-Related Indramat Errors
Warm temperatures mean sweet, cold lemonade and stylish sun hats — unless you own an Indramat motion control system. Those who operate Indramat servos know that high temperatures mean it’s time to be high alert. Heat-related Indramat errors are more common during warmer parts of the year, and your servo motors and drives can’t rely… Read more »