Get Your Indramat Manuals

Indramat manuals begin with a section explaining the nature and function of the component(s) they cover, including the theory behind its operation.  They go on to discuss specific application guidelines, from basic torque requirements to cabinet sizes. Next they discuss installation, start up, operation, maintenance, and specs. Often there are safety guides. There are plenty… Read more »

Do You Know Your Indramat Control?

Indramat PPC Control

There are many different types of Indramat control. Those controls can be broken down into three basic categories: Indramat CLC Controls Indramat CLM Controls Indramat PPC Controls The CLC and CLM control categories contain more specific control types. It’s important to know which type of Indramat control you’re using. Not only is it generally a… Read more »

Indramat and Indradrive


When Indramat became part of the Bosch Rexroth family, the brand name was changed to IndraDrive. The acquisition added electric drives and controls to the hydraulic and pneumatic options Rexroth already had. Matching drives Some of the legacy drives have a corresponding drive within the current Indradrive stable. Indramat DKS: IndraDrive HCS02 or HCS03 Indramat… Read more »

Indramat CLM: A Sad Story

If you hang out in online forums very long, you’re going to have your heart broken at some point. We recently saw a heartbreaking story: an engineer had lost the parameters of an Indramat CLM1.3-LR1-06V45. It’s possible to reprogram. Just find the file which was licensed to your company a few decades ago and any… Read more »

John Deere’s Autonomous Tractor

Autonomous vehicles continue to be among the most controversial robots. On the one hand, they’re actually out and about, transporting packages and carrying pizzas. Not to mention the mainstream auto manufacturers, including Cadillac, that were showcasing the technology at CES. On the other hand, a recent national survey found that a mere 15% of consumers… Read more »

Getting Ready for the Consumer Electronics Show

Ah, CES, the annual event that debuted such useful items as the GoBot, which was a robot that would bring you toilet paper. TNW’s columnist has explained why these robots are so often useless: “It’s one thing to build human-sized machines capable of running amok in a laboratory. It’s another to create a robot that’s… Read more »

Downtime: People or Machines?

What would you say causes downtime in manufacturing? Downtime is a the period when a system is unavailable for operation. This could mean that a computer has crashed, or a motor has failed, or it could even be a a time when machinery is shut down for scheduled maintenance. While there are many possible reasons… Read more »

Nostradamus, Robots, and 2022

Michel de Nostradame, AKA Nostradamus, published his Prophecies in 1555.  In them, he made this prediction for 2022: “The Moon in the full of night over the high mountain, The new sage with a lone brain sees it: By his disciples invited to be immortal, Eyes to the south. Hands in bosoms, bodies in the… Read more »