Killer Robots’ Surprise Attack

If you’ve been worried about killer robots, you probably had a different scenario in mind. But an article in says that robots are already here, causing deaths. The automation of U.S. manufacturing—robots replacing people on factory floors—is fueling rising mortality rate among America’s working-age adults, according to a new study by researchers at Yale… Read more »

IOT Like a Bosch

There’s beginning to be talk of the manufacturing metaverse. What’s a metaverse? Industry Week offered “persistent and continuous user experiences with a strong sense of presence.” That sounds pretty good. Ubiquitous computing that produces a seamless experience of digital and IRL experiences in the context of manufacturing — and of life. Using AI and VR,… Read more »

Manufactured Housing and Automation

Volumetric modular manufacturing (VMM) is the opposite of stick-built housing. Stick-built construction is done much as it has been done for centuries, with workmen bringing tools and materials to a construction site and building the house in a specific order, with inspections along the way. Different workers complete different parts of the job, bringing crews… Read more »

Warehouse Automation

Automation has been a feature in warehouses for years. Walmart and Amazon both have robust robotic systems in their warehouses, speeding up picking and packing. Even so, Amazon had to bring in 150,000 seasonal workers just to keep up at Christmastime. With continuing labor shortages and steady increases in ecommerce, automation is no longer optional… Read more »

Olympics 2022 Robots

The pandemic gave robots a boost in a variety of industries, prompting manufacturers to take the plunge into greater automation and encouraging hands-free service far beyond manufacturing. The pandemic has also ramped up robot usage at the Olympics. A health checking robot greets visitors and — in two seconds — checks health metrics and vaccination… Read more »

Indramat Improper Use

Indramat motion control systems come with warnings about improper use. What could that mean? Rexroth, the parent company, is pretty strict about improper use. They will take no responsibility for any negative consequences of improper use, and they think it’s dangerous, too. “Inappropriate use of this equipment, failure to follow the safety instructions in this… Read more »

Indramat Repair

You may have Indramat servos, drives, and controls in your facility. You don’t have new Indramat components, because Indramat no longer makes new parts. In fact, Indramat doesn’t exist any more as a separate company. They are now part of Bosch Rexroth. So you may wonder whether Indramat repair makes sense or not. Would it… Read more »

A Record Year for Robots

American businesses bought almost 40,000 robots in 2021, spending $2 billion on increased automation and setting a record. 2021 brought more new robots to work in the U.S. than any previous year. The pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic was one of the main reasons for the surge in automation. Needing solutions to provide more distance between… Read more »

Robot Dogs on Border Patrol

The Department of Homeland Security is testing “robot dogs” (they look a lot like Boston Dynamics’ Spot) for border patrol on the U.S./Mexico border. The robots are going to take over for humans in jobs that require hard work in harsh environments, which is one of the main reasons for automation. Heat, humidity, and hostile… Read more »

Automation Risk

A new report lays out “automation risk” in a range of U.S. cities. They’re not talking about worker injuries or the danger of losing money by automating before optimizing systems. They’re talking about the risk of losing human jobs to automation. In other words, it’s the fear of robots taking over people’s jobs. States at… Read more »