See Spot Paint!

Spot, the Boston Dynamics wonder robot dog (robot wonder dog?) has collaborated with human artist Agnieszka Pilat to create a painting that fetched $40,000 at auction. The money will be donated to the Polish Dominican Friars in support of refugees from Ukraine. The auction took place at a star-studded event featuring Olympic Gold Medalist Brian… Read more »

Red Flags for Indramat Repair

When your Indramat servos stop working you need to fix them as quickly as possible. Of course, you also need a high quality repair. A rushed patch job won’t do you any favors. There are lots of companies out there claiming to be Indramat repair experts. Some are good and some are bad, so how… Read more »

A Robot Exoskeleton in Your Future

Pew Research reports that a majority of us would not be willing to wear a robot exoskeleton for work. Just one third of us think that robot exoskeletons would be a good idea. Twice as many men are down with the idea as women, though. Using an exoskeleton for manual labor is more acceptable to… Read more »

Authorized Indramat Resellers?

Indramat was established in 1958 and quickly became the go-to supplier for world-class motion control systems.  Rexroth acquired Indramat in 1965. By the end of the century, they were no longer a separate company; they became the electric drives division of Bosch Rexroth in 2001. So nowadays, if you look for Indramat, you’ll find that… Read more »

5 Things That are More Difficult Than Indramat Repair

Seeing an Indramat error code is a day-wrecker. Downtime costs your business a lot of money, and while Indramat fault codes don’t always mean long periods of unscheduled downtime, they never indicate that you just won the lottery. The thought of downtime alone can cause headaches, but Indramat repair isn’t something you should stress about…. Read more »

What about Sidebots?

You’ve heard about robots, you’ve heard about cobots, but what about sidebots? The Wyzo sidebot is a robot designed to work side-by-side with human beings. Wyzo is a pick and place machine. Healthcare Packaging magazine suggests that the term “sidebot” is a mashup of “sidekick” and “robot,” but we think it could just be a… Read more »

Pulling the Plug on Russian Robots

Where do your robots come from? You might never have thought about it before. But Grubhub has pulled food delivery robots from at least two college campuses because they were built by Yandex, a Russian company. Grubhub needed a new kind of vehicle to deliver food on campus. Maneuvering cars to all the places where… Read more »

Can Robots Lie?

We know that people will lie to robots to avoid hurting their “feelings”, but what if robots start telling lies back to us? A lie is more than simply being incorrect. Machines err far less than humans, but it does happen from time to time. However, when you see an error code indicating that a… Read more »

Robot Sews Ugly Shirt

Clothing is a basic need, but our relationship with clothing goes beyond mere necessity. Sure, we wear clothing for warmth, protection, and decency, but clothes are also fashion, self-expression, even a status symbol. Maybe there’s an ironic t-shirt that perfectly captures your philosophical ideology, or maybe you wear $1,000 shirts so everyone knows that you… Read more »

I Need a New Indramat Drive Manual!

You never thought you would need your drive manual. But still, when you first installed your Indramat motion control system, you safeguarded your manual with diligence. It sat in a clearly marked folder in an easy to reach drawer, ready to reference at a moments notice. You might have even thumbed through the manual a… Read more »