Dull, Dirty, Dangerous…and Demeaning

Automation covers tasks that fall into certain categories: dull, dirty, and dangerous are the classic trio. Repetitive, boring work like moving items from one spot to another over and over — that’s a robot’s jam. Or a conveyor belt’s. It’s not something humans need to do. Working in toxic environments or in cramped spaces where… Read more »

AI in the Factory

There’s widespread agreement that artificial intelligence — AI — is the next big thing for manufacturing. Once we harness all that data that our machinery is collecting, the thinking goes, we’ll be able to automate a lot more things than we used to be able to automate. We’ll be able to customize processes and even… Read more »

How to Cool Indramat Motors

There’s a direct correlation between the outdoor temperature and heat-related error codes. The hotter it is outside, the more calls we get for heatsink overtemperature warnings, motor overtemperature shutdowns, and the like. The good news is that we can help you remedy overtemperature warnings and shutdowns quickly and effectively. Of course, if you’re looking for… Read more »

Knitted Robots

Researchers at MIT have come up with a new way to make soft robots: with an industrial knitting machine. Soft robots can be pneumatically powered and they can do things that hard metal robots can’t do. The video above shows the new knitted robots serving as assistive wearables and even as limbs for an autonomous… Read more »

The Amazing Jumping Robot

Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara, have created a robot that can leap tall buildings with a single bound. Biomimicry is at the back of a lot of novel robots, including robots that can jump like a kangaroo or a flea, but this robot beats all living creatures. It’s just about a foot… Read more »

Indramat Power Supply Faults

You know about servo motor and servo drive fault codes, but what do you know about power supply faults? Indramat power supply faults are different from servo motor and drive faults. Power supply faults include everything from blown fuses to shorts in the unit to improper voltage. LED display of faults Indramat power supply faults… Read more »

Top Manufacturing States

Which states do the most manufacturing? California is the top manufacturing state, with 68 manufacturing companies employing 1,222,000 people. Their average wage was $112,381.20 in 2019 and the total output for the state was $324.43 billion. Next up is Texas. 51 companies employed 908,000 people in 2019. They earned an average of $87,809.19 and total… Read more »

Brand Choice Depends on Support

Hang out in forums specializing in industrial automation and you will soon enough see posts about Indramat drive and control systems. People get technical about features and characteristics of Indramat compared with other brands. You’ll always see statements that Indramat has superior quality, and we agree. Indramat made some of the best motion control systems… Read more »

Romance Robots

Could robot romance be a reality? Replika thinks so. The app describes itself like this: The AI companion who cares. Always here to listen and talk. Always on your side. Join the millions growing with their AI friends now! Register at Replika’s website and make a few choices and you will have an AI friend to chat with. Romantic… Read more »

Does Agri Automation Affect Communities?

American agriculture is ripe for automation. Fewer young people choose to go into the field, a drop in immigrants over the past few years led to even more labor shortages, and automation is finally reaching the point where it’s realistic for agriculture. Profits in agriculture have also been volatile. Supply chain issues, the pandemic, and… Read more »