5 Easy Ways to Decrease Downtime

Downtime is a big problem for factory owners, but it’s something that comes with the territory. You can’t eliminate downtime, after all. Well, not entirely. While you can’t completely avoid downtime, you can reduce the amount of time your machines go down. Here are 5 easy ways to decrease downtime with Indramat systems. Take care… Read more »

Wash-down Environments

The advantages of automation aren’t limited to a single or specific type of manufacturing. Industrial machinery is used in nearly every type of mass-production. However some manufacturing sectors are more sensitive than others. Utmost cleanliness Food and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries require the utmost cleanliness. The machinery in these industries must be cleaned thoroughly and frequently… Read more »


Lately, it seems like anything and everything you read in a science fiction book or dreamed up as a child is starting to become a real thing. Technology is rapidly advancing and resulting in a countless number of amazing inventions and discoveries. We’re now able to print out working organs and select the color of… Read more »

The Origin of Robots

Imagine someone stops you on the sidewalk and asks you, “Where did robots come from?” You first thought might be, “Why is this crazy person concerned about the origin of robots?”, but then you might think about scientists in laboratories or engineers in universities. You probably wouldn’t be thinking about a Czech play written in… Read more »

The Juice

The European Space Agency prepared a robotic spaceship intended to launch from French Guyana on Thursday, April 13, 2023. Called Juice, or Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, the ship has the goal of exploring Jupiter and its icy moons: Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. It carries a variety of cameras and sensors to capture the information. The mission… Read more »

Employment Prospects: Is Blue Collar Better?

blue collar workers

Until recently, the expectation was that automation would soon take over jobs involving physical labor, leaving white collar jobs for humans. The rise of ChatGPT and other large language models is making some experts question that idea.  “They’ll begin taking over portions of many white-collar jobs in the coming years,” wrote Loz Blain in New… Read more »

Are There Disadvantages to Automation?

The advantages of automation are abundantly clear. Just look at everything that industrial automation has done for manufacturing. Machines are faster, stronger, and more precise than people. Unlike humans, industrial machines don’t get hungry or tired, so they don’t need to take breaks. Automation is more affordable and more reliable than the human alternative, it… Read more »

Industrial AI

Automation, robotics, and virtual reality are all well-entrenched in industrial settings. Factories, printing operations, and the like are full of robots and the Industrial Internet of Things has cut labor costs and helped many companies cope with the ongoing labor shortage. What about AI and machine learning? We hear about it working toward making robots… Read more »

Replika Breaks up with Users

Replika is an AI generative chatbot built on the ChatGPT framework. It has been around a lot longer than the new AI tools we’re seeing in the headlines, and it has a very different goal. Replika is supposed to be an electronic friend. The Replika AI chatbot maker has been at the forefront of developing… Read more »

Recycling Robots


Robotics technology has been used in a variety of industries for years, from manufacturing to healthcare. Now, robots are being used in recycling centers to help improve the efficiency of the recycling process. Robots used in recycling centers are typically designed to lift, move, and sort recyclables. Automated robotic arms are designed to pick up… Read more »