Now the Emergency Is Over

The COVID-19 pandemic is not over, but the Public Health Emergency is ending. A pandemic has a specific definition, and that is still happening. But the emergency has a different definition, and that is over. This may call for changes in your workplace. Health regulations You will now be legally allowed to make changes in… Read more »

Why Has My Indramat Servo Stopped Working?

If your Indramat servo stopped working, you need to take action as quickly as possible. Downtime costs rack up quickly, and the longer your system is down, the bigger the hit to your wallet. Diagnosing the problem isn’t always easy, however, and clearing the error can take expertise that your technicians don’t have. Call 479-422-0390… Read more »

Enter the Tidybot

Want someone to put away your tools at the end of the day? Someone to gather up all the cans and take them to the recycling station? Someone to clean up the break room, including putting that package of cooki4es into the right cupboard? Enter the Tidybot! Turns out large language models (like ChatGPT and… Read more »

Workers to Watch

A new study from Travelers examined 1.2 million workers compensation claims and noticed something about them: the majority of workers filing the claims fell into two groups. They were either new, inexperienced workers, ir they were aging. Travelers also looked at records for missed workdays — 18.6 million of those. They saw the same pattern…. Read more »

AI Hiring Algorithms Laws

Both New York and New Jersey have new laws regulating the use of AI hiring algorithms for hiring. What are hiring algorithms? Hiring algorithms are computer programs used by employers to screen job applicants, evaluate their qualifications, and decide who to hire. While these algorithms have the potential to make hiring more efficient and objective,… Read more »

Are Rexroth and Indramat the Same Thing?

The whole Rexroth, Indramat thing can be a bit confusing at times. You may see “Indramat” stamped on your legacy servo motor or drive, or maybe you just see “Rexroth”. Then again, you might see both of these names on your machinery or in the project planning manual. Maybe some parts of your motion control… Read more »

Factory Safety for Women

  Safety is job #1 in most factories, or should be, but women may face a different set of safety concerns. Musculoskeletal disorders or MSDs MSDs are one of the major types of injury seen in factories. They are seen more often among women than in men, however. One reason may be that women are… Read more »

May Day for Manufacturers

Ah, May Day! A day to celebrate the springtime and the achievements of the labor movement. This holiday, also known as International Workers’ Day, has a rich history that dates back to the late 19th century. Let’s dive in and learn about this important day for manufacturing workers! The Origins of May Day May Day… Read more »

Walmart Automation

Walmart made headlines in 2020 by replacing its robots with human beings. Now the retail behemoth is doubling down on automation and looking forward to changes in its human workforce. Walmart has established a new, fully automated warehouse in Florida. Investors got a tour of the 1.4 million-square-foot facility with its robotic claws and automated… Read more »

Buy Indramat on eBay?

Grilled cheese, cornflakes, mummified birds, hair, what can’t you buy on eBay? Well if you can buy anything on that list you know you can buy Indramat drives, servos, and controls from eBay. A quick search for “Indramat” brings up over 25,000 results. You can buy virtually anything on eBay, Indramat included. Should you, however, buy… Read more »