What the World Needs Now Is a Swarm of 3D Printers

3D printing is responsible for introducing some pretty exciting things to the world. Bioprinting may soon revolutionize the medical world, and additive manufacturing is bringing an unprecedented level of versatility and customization to the manufacturing industry. As great as 3D printers are, they do have one major limiter, and that is size. You can’t print… Read more »

Ethical Standards and Killer Robots

Anyone who is familiar with robots knows that they have many wonderful and helpful purposes. From the big industrial robots that have revolutionized manufacturing to the robots that assist with medical surgeries to robots that are being implemented for search and rescue or disaster relief, robots produce a lot of good. However, as robotic technologies… Read more »

No Dirty Dishes Day

Did you know that today is No Dirty Dishes Day? You probably did not, but there’s no shame in that because No Dirty Dishes Day is a strange and obscure holiday with no clear history and very little significance (that is unless there’s a constant battle over who is going to do the dishes in… Read more »

How Does Motion Control Work?

Industrial motion control is standard in manufacturing, but the industrial machinery that’s commonplace today would have seemed like some sort of wizardry a couple of centuries ago. Simply being accustomed to motion control does not necessarily remove the mysticism, however. If you’re inclined to respond with, “Magic” anytime someone asks how industrial motion control systems… Read more »

How Revolutionary is IIoT?

The Internet totally changed how we live our lives. 30 years ago, you had to go to a college campus to attend class, you had to drive to the office to go to work, you had to physically go to the grocery store to buy basic necessities, and you had to be in the same… Read more »

Can Robots Save Us From Global Warming?

You either love robots, or you hate robots. There’s the camp that loathes automation and industrial robots because they believe that machines will replace the hardworking, yet inefficient, working class. Then there are those whose eyes light up at any mention of automation because robots are cool, and they love how robots make our lives… Read more »

Rising Demand For Servos and Robots

The demand for industrial robots and servo motors continues to climb… like an over-sized ape on the Empire State building. A recent report examined the global market for industrial robots and servos, and made some predictions on where the market would be in the next few years. The report took a close look at China’s… Read more »

Is Robot Unemployment On the Rise?

The short answer is, no. The number of robots, industrial machines, and automation systems that are being used globally is continuing to rise. You can read new headlines every day heralding the end of the human worker. Robotics and automation technologies are constantly improving, and the advantages machines have over humans are enough to cause… Read more »

Can Robots Really Learn?

If you keep up with robotics, you may have heard about robots that can learn tasks. This idea raises a lot of thought provoking questions. What does it mean for a robot to learn? Can robots really learn? Why would we want robots to learn? People become skilled at things through observation, learning, and practice…. Read more »

5 Cool Things That Are 3D-Printed

Indramat never made 3D printers, but that doesn’t mean that the two are unrelated. In fact, Indramat and 3D printers have more in common than you might think. 3D printers use servo motors to carry out functions, as do Indramat motion control systems (the two use very different types of servos, however). Indramat revolutionized the… Read more »