Why Is It Hard to Trust Robots?

It’s not that we don’t trust robots. We trust robots to build our cars and build our airplanes. We trust machines to assemble our hospital equipment and we trust computers to keep track of our medical records. However, there’s a limit to how much humans trust robots. We’re wary of cars that drive themselves, and… Read more »

Why It’s Good For Robots to Rest

Robots are all about hustle and bustle. Take industrial robots for example. They’re autonomous dynamos that work 24/7, without breaks or complaints, to help manufacturers meet growing consumer demands. They don’t get tired, they don’t need rest, they just relentlessly grind away hour after hour. For these big industrious machines, it’s work, work, work. In… Read more »

Robots and Fear

We’re experts on industrial robots, specifically Indramat motion control systems. Because of that, we try to stay current on news in the field of robotics. New applications for servo motors, how things are going in the industrial motion control industry, advancements in robotics, and things of that nature. If you try to stay current on… Read more »

Servo Motors in the Sea

The bottom of the ocean is probably one of the last places you would expect to find a robot. Robots are supposed to be in dry, controlled environments where their precious electric circuits can stay safe from moisture and corrosion, rather than in a wet and briny sea. While it’s true that industrial machines –… Read more »

Why Competition is Good for Robotics

Indramat REMAN and Indramat Repair

Competition encourages people to always bring their best to the table. It spurs innovation and creativity, and helps generate new ideas. Basically, competition helps stimulate an industry by improving the quality of ideas, making ideas and innovations known to the public, and accelerating the speed at which those ideas are used and implemented. Robotics is… Read more »

Should Robots Feel Pain?

Everyone knows that robots don’t feel pain. If you tell a robotic arm that it’s fat, it won’t break down in tears. Pain is a feeling reserved for living, breathing, biological organisms with a nervous system. People can feel pain, animals can feel pain, but robots cannot feel pain. Even animal-shaped robots can’t feel pain…. Read more »

Drones Are Anything But Boring

Imagine that you are trapped in a conversation about rocks with your neighbor. Not striations, or veins, or mineral deposits, or any of the things that could be remotely interesting, but about how your neighbor has a lot of rocks in his yard. And how he tries to remove the rocks from his yard, but… Read more »

The Growing Concern of Cyber Security

Technology has improved manufacturing, and continues to improve manufacturing. That’s undeniable. But as technology becomes more advanced and factories become increasingly digital, cyber security becomes a bigger issue. There was a time when you had to sneak into factories in the dead of night and tamper with the machinery, or lurk outside in the shadows… Read more »

7 Famous Robots That Benefit from Servo Motors

It’s easy for us to see how wonderful servo motors are. We work with them every day. In fact, anyone who works in printing, manufacturing, packaging, or any industry job knows just how incredible and amazing servo motors are. Without industrial servo motors, industrial automation wouldn’t be possible, and manufacturing would look a lot different… Read more »

Is Absolute Automation Inevitable?

The intelligence of today’s robots has famously been likened to that of a lobotomized and mentally challenged cockroach, but even these “stupid” robots are already taking jobs away from humans. Automation technology is improving and becoming more capable every single day. Is it only a matter of time before robots are actually intelligent, and are… Read more »