What is Machine Learning?

Industrial robots have always required programming. A robotic arm can only move a part from position A to position B if it has very clear and precise instructions to do so. If you want a machine to do something that it hasn’t been explicitly programmed to do, however, you’re out of luck. At least, that’s… Read more »

What Does Dallas Mean for Robots?

Earlier this month in Dallas, a man shot several police officers and fled to a parking garage. Police cornered the man and after hours of negotiation that included gunfire, Dallas police decided to use a robot to deliver an explosive that killed the man. This is such a big deal because it is the first… Read more »

Specialist vs. Generalist

Whether you are looking to get factory repair on your Indramat servo motor, upgrade your control unit, or replace your servo drive, we can help. Working exclusively with Indramat products gives us an advantage over those who dabble in Indramat repair. What it boils down to is specialization. We are Indramat specialists. Here’s why it’s… Read more »

The Internet of Things vs. The Industrial Internet of Things

The Internet of Things and the Industrial Internet of Things are very different. Both rely on sharing and using data, but what that data is used for sets the two apart. Today, the Internet of Things (IoT) lends itself to convenience. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), however, lends itself to profit, optimization, and revolutionizing… Read more »

Amazon’s Automated Stock Boy

By now, we’re all used to hearing about jobs becoming automated. Drivers, baristas, and industrial workers are all looking over their shoulders because of robotics and automation. Robotics technologies are becoming more sophisticated, and it’s becoming easier to automate simple tasks. Of course things that are easily done by humans aren’t necessarily easily automated. Stocking… Read more »

Summer and Servos

Servo motors are hardy little devices. Though small and compact, they are capable of putting out tremendous amounts of power, and do so with little fuss for long periods of time. Servos with the Indramat logo can run for decades, moving heavy loads, with little or no maintenance in harsh spray down environments. As tough… Read more »

What’s the Deal With American Manufacturing?

American manufacturing is kind of like a contestant on one of those reality competition shows on television. Some people are convinced that it is failing, others know wholeheartedly that it will succeed. It’s surrounded in nonstop drama, but people tune in every week to see whether or not it’s edging closer to triumph or collapse…. Read more »

Happy Fourth!

It’s time to fire up the grill, ice down the watermelon, and break out those firecrackers. We’d like to wish everyone a happy Fourth of July! Celebrating the Fourth of July is one of the highlights of summer. It’s a time for fun and celebration. It’s a time to relax and take a much needed… Read more »

A 3D Printer In Every Garage?

“A chicken in every pot and a car in every backyard to boot” was the Republican party’s campaign slogan in 1928. It was a promise of prosperity in exchange for a vote for Hoover, but was unfortunately followed by the Great Depression. People were extremely excited about 3D printers when they first became commercially available,… Read more »

Has the Internet of Things Failed to Deliver?

If you read the above title and thought to yourself, “Isn’t it a little early to claim that the Internet of Things has fallen short of its potential?” you would be correct. However, that hasn’t stopped some people from claiming that the Internet of Things (IoT) has not only failed to meet expectations, but that… Read more »