Job Automation in the U.S.

We all know that automation and motion control are capable of some pretty incredible things. Just go to any packaging line or manufacturing plant floor and you can see firsthand what automation can do. But as great as automation is today, it is constantly improving. Researchers and engineers are tweaking, fine-tuning, and overhauling automated systems… Read more »

5 Ways Servos Improve Manufacturing

New Indramat MDD Servo Motor

We know that servo motors make manufacturing better, but what exactly do servos do to improve it? Here are 5 ways that servos improve manufacturing. Servos improve production Without servo motors and industrial motion control, manufacturers wouldn’t be able to produce the volume of products they do today. Servo motor are often small and always… Read more »

Industrial Robots and Tattoos

Robotic arms and human arms are quite different. An industrial robotic is made of cold metal, guided by servos, yet is powerful enough to lift car parts, and precise enough to assist in medical surgeries. Human arms, on the other hand, are made of warm, squishy tissues, struggle with heavy boxes, and support hands that… Read more »

When It’s Too Good To Be True

We’ve all experienced a moment where something seems so good – so perfect or amazing – that we can’t believe that it could actually be real. Like when an African princess wants to share her treasure trove of diamonds with you, and needs your bank account information to transfer many millions of dollars over to… Read more »

Manufacturing is Changing

Traditionally, manufacturing relied on manual labor. If you worked in a factory, you would hammer, lift, or torque. You didn’t need a college education, and a high school diploma or GED were considered icing on the cake. Workers could walk into a plant, receive a few instructions, and promptly get to work. But manufacturing is… Read more »

Why We Celebrate Labor Day

Most of us know better than to question a day off work. You know what they say about looking a gift horse in the mouth. So each Labor Day, we gratefully skip our morning commute, and enjoy our day off rather than go around asking people why we don’t have to go into work. Of… Read more »

Robots Make Their Way to Lowe’s

Robots are now lending a hand in the home improvement department. Lowe’s will be introducing the “LoweBot” in a few of its stores later this month. The robot has proven to be beneficial for retailers, employees, and consumers alike. Lowe’s is now hoping that these robots will further improve the shopping experience, aid employees, and… Read more »

Automated Ubers

It’s always fun to speculate and think about things that could one day be. People do it all the time with automation. We talk about how one day robots could be doing all of the jobs that people once did. We estimate the likelihood of jobs becoming automated. We think about what cab drivers and… Read more »

Adidas Speedfactory

Manufacturing is changing. Manpower took a backseat to machinery long ago, but the capabilities of industrial robots are becoming increasingly advanced. Industrial machines are faster, more precise, more efficient, and more affordable than human workers. But until recently, these machines were one-trick ponies. Punch in the instructions and sit back as production lines mass-produced identical,… Read more »

It’s a Sad Day for Apple Pickers

Apple pickers probably thought their jobs were forever safe from automation. Apples are resilient fruits, but they’re a little too delicate for the powerful grasp of a robot. Then there’s the fact that each apple will vary slightly from the next, and apples don’t grow in the same spots on every tree. Even though these… Read more »