The MKD090B-035-GP1-KN is known for its reliability. It’s a maintenance-free motor, because of its brushless design, permanent motor, and lifetime lubrication of bearings.
So it’s a maintenance free motor in the sense that you never need to open it up and fiddle with it. But what do you do when your maintenance-free servo motor needs service?
Ironically, the reliability of the MKD motor family is the reason you might need service. Those bearings are lubricated for the normal lifespan of the motor, which is about ten years. Yet many MKD090B-035-GP1-KN motors are still in service after decades of work.
Since they last longer than expected, they will outlive their bearings.
That doesn’t mean that you need to upgrade your equipment. Factory repair will bring your MKD090B-035-GP1-KN back to you in like-new condition, or even better.
What’s better than new?
There have been technological advances since your MKD090B-035-GP1-KN went into service. Factory repair means replacing all wearing parts with new parts from the original manufacturer. Some of those parts have been significantly improved over the years.
Your MKD090B-035-GP1-KN ill benefit from those improvements at no extra cost.
Every wearing part will be replaced. The entire motor will be cleaned and resealed. The motor will also be relacquered. You’ll receive your motor back with a ne warranty, ready to be a maintenance-free motor again for more years of service.
24-hour turnaround
We offer 24-hour turnaround on most components. We also keep a large stock of emergency replacement parts. We have charter plane service for the most time-sensitive situations.
With decades of experience with Indramat motion control systems, we can solve your MKD090B-035-GP1-KN problems and get your facility up and running fast.