The Indramat MKD041B-144-KP1-KN is part of a series of motors created by Indramat, a world-class industrial drive and control company. The MKD motors, in combination with Indramat intelligent digital drives, can be found in printing, packaging, food production, and machine tools applications. Even though these motors have not been produced in decades, you can find them in service in factories across the nation and around the world.
Is your MKD041B-144-KP1-KN faulty?
If you’re seeing error codes or your servo stops working, you have to wonder whether your MKD041B-144-KP1-KN is just broken. You might be thinking about replacing your entire system. Would it be easier to start over than to fix or replace a legacy component like the MKD041B-144-KP1-KN?
Fortunately, the company that bought Indramat still supports the products they took on with the Indramat name. Factory repair and reman bring your MKD041B-144-KP1-KN back to like-new condition.
You’ll even receive a 24-month warranty. Your experience with our service will literally be just like buying a new Indramat servo motor.
Indramat servo motors are designed to be pulled off the machine and replaced when they’re faulty. We provide 24 hour turnaround for factory repair. We also have the nation’s largest stock of emergency replacement units.
Bottom line for you: your facility is up and running fast, without costly downtime.
Maybe your MKD041B-144-KP1-KN isn’t broken
We provide phone service and field service as well as factory repair and reman. We have decades of experience with Indramat drive and control systems. Often, we can diagnose your problem over the phone.
If the trouble is a cable or a connection, we can steer you toward a quick solution.
Make sure you get the right unit
If your faulty servo motor is marked with the type model code “MKD041B-144-KP1-KN,” you must repair it or replace it with a refurbished unit of the same kind. MKD tells the series of servo motors. 041 and B specify the frame size. A replacement unit of a different frame size won’t fit in the same footprint on your factory floor. 144 specifies the winding code, a measuer of electrical output. The MKD041B-144-KP1-KN has multiturn resolver feedback and a drive with a keyway, as well as a holding brake.
Call us for immediate assistance.