Like many other Indramat fault codes, Indramat error F229 has several possible causes, and different ways to clear the error. If you have your Indramat manual handy, you can work through the steps and try to troubleshoot it on your own.
Of course, the fastest way to clear Indramat faults and errors is by calling us at 479-422-0390. We can help you with any of your Indramat needs from troubleshooting error codes to factory repair or reman.
Here’s some information to help you understand an F229 fault code.
What causes Indramat error F229?
This particular Ecodrive controller error is a hardware error. Error code F229 is a Motor Encoder Failure: Quadrant Error.
This means that an error in the encoder signal was detected during the encoder evaluation.
Indramat error F229 may be caused by a defective encoder cable (or electro-magnetic interference on the cable), a defective encoder interface, or a defective drive controller.
How to clear error F229
There’s no such thing as a good fault code, but F229 can be an especially pesky error, because it means that there’s something wrong with your hardware. Clearing an Indramat F229 error isn’t just a simple matter of checking parameters or hitting the reset button.
You can deal with cable interference on your own. Use insulated cables, and lay the encoder cable away from power cables. If you already have your cables separated, or separating the cables doesn’t fix your problem, then you probably won’t be able to clear the fault code on your own.
Indramat error F229 is one of those errors that will almost certainly require the help of Indramat specialists like us. Even if you successfully identify the cause of the error, you still need to replace hardware in most cases.
Unless you have spare encoder cables or drive controllers lying around (which isn’t very likely) that means contacting us. Call 479-422-0390 for Indramat hardware repair, remanufacture, or for help troubleshooting Indramat faults.