Indramat Ecodrive error F402 indicates a Double MDT Failure Shutdown. There are several possible causes for this Indramat drive error. Start with the first possible cause in your troubleshooting guide if trying to clear this error code in-house. The troubleshooting guide lists possible causes and the corresponding remedial actions in order of most likely to least likely. However, the fastest, most efficient, and most reliable way to clear any Indramat drive error code is by calling 479-422-3090 for professional support.
What is an F402 drive error?
If you see an F402 Ecodrive error code, you’re dealing with a double MDT failure shutdown. This means that the master data telegram (MDT) isn’t reaching the drive. This error code generates when the drive does not receive the MDT after two consecutive SERCOS or fieldbus cycles.
The Indramat troubleshooting guide lists several possible causes for this error code:
- There’s interference in the fiber optic bus transmission.
- The light signal input from the fiber optic bus is too low.
- There’s a general in the SERCOS interface.
- There’s a problem with the fieldbus connection.
- The bus isn’t sending the telegrams to the drive.
How do you clear an F402 error?
There are different ways to clear F402 error codes. The remedial action depends on the cause of the double MDT failure shutdown.
- Check your fiber optic cables; make sure that the cable is functional and connected properly.
- Adjust the power or check the attenuation of the fiber optic signal. The signal must land between -20dBm and -5dBm.
- Replace the drive’s SERCOS interface module.
- Check the signal levels for the fieldbus connector and cable connections.
- Switch master on and start up cyclic communications.
Instead of working your way through this error code on your own, you could call 479-422-0390 for professional support; we’re successful in troubleshooting most Indramat errors directly over the phone.
We have years of experience diagnosing and troubleshooting Indramat errors. We have the nation’s largestĀ supply of replacement Indramat units, and we offer factory repair services with 24 hour turnaround.