You may have learned about the three R’s in school while you were growing up: reading, writing, and arithmetic. Maybe you learned the three R’s of sustainability: reduce reuse, recycle (there are several more R’s on this list now). However, it’s a shame that they don’t teach you about the three R’s of Indramat service… Read more »
Aging Indramat Components
As technology advances at an unprecedented pace, it’s easy to overlook one of the most fundamental challenges in the field: aging components. From the microchips in your smartphone to the turbines in power plants, all technological systems are composed of various components that have finite lifespans. The problems associated with aging components are multifaceted and… Read more »
AI and Workers’ Rights
Automation is taking over many jobs in manufacturing, partly just because it can and partly because of the severe shortage of workers in the industry. Automation in agriculture and hospitality is still more aspirational than real, but AI is bringing it closer to reality as labor shortages in these fields increase the demand for automation…. Read more »
Replacing an Indramat HDS Drive
The Indramat HDS drive series offers unrivaled versatility designed for a wide range of motion control applications. HDS drives are compatible with MKD motors, MHD motors, 1MB motors, and 2AD motors, and they are well suited for machine tooling, textiles, printing, packaging, and robotics and handling machines. There’s no denying the flexibility of these drives,… Read more »
3D Manufacturing Today
Remember 3D manufacturing? Or additive manufacturing, as those in the know called it? We’ve all played with 3-D printers by now, but for a while there we were seeing extravagant claims for this technology. We were expecting 3-D printed clothing, food, and prosthetic body parts. Ordering a pizza would take place entirely in your home… Read more »
What’s Wrong With Your Indramat Servo Drive?
Realizing that there’s a problem with your machinery is the easy part. Strange noises crawling out of your motion control system – or the entire machine coming to a halt – is usually a good indicator that something isn’t working right. It’s diagnosing those problems that can cause frustration. Fortunately, there’s an easy way to… Read more »
Apollo, Another Humanoid Robot
Are humanoid robots even a good idea? After all, they can’t do much, tend to be either smart or strong but not both, need recharging frequently, and creep people out. What’s more, most of the humanoid robots so far are not practical. People get excited about a humanoid robot that can mimic human facial expressions,… Read more »
Manufacturers Want Diversity
The Manufacturing Institute reports that 72% of manufacturers in their most recent survey say that they consider diversity a key focus for their company. That’s up from 64% a year ago. More than 60% of respondents said they have more female employees now than they had a year ago. Still, 50% said they had trouble… Read more »
How to Prevent Indramat Heat Errors
It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity that gets you. Well, it’s both when it comes to industrial servo motors. Hot weather can cause a boatload of issues for your Indramat motion control system. Both the temperature and the humidity play their part in causing your servos to overheat or malfunction. Here are a few… Read more »
Does the US Really Need Manufacturing?
The United States used to be a manufacturing powerhouse. Over the past 50 years, we’ve shifted to a service economy. In 1953, manufacturing accounted for 32% of non-farm labor in the U.S., compared with 22% in 1979, and just 7% now. Service jobs? Including warehousing and logistics, that stands at 80%. Yes, 80% of all… Read more »