People are finally starting to recognize the importance of servo motors. Well, maybe not servos specifically. STEM – or Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education – is being promoted by an increasing number of people who recognize that education in these areas is necessary for thriving in the future. This includes things such as robotics… Read more »
Does the IIoT Threaten Workers?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is still incredibly young. Everything that we find amazing about current IoT devices and technology will be hardly worth mentioning once the Internet of Things has reached its full potential. It’s estimated that IoT connected devices will outnumber people 7 to 1 within the next 5 years. However since the… Read more »
The Truth About Reshoring
“The Made in America movement is happening, and the Chinese economy is suffering”. “China’s manufacturing sector is alive and well”. “Reshoring is a hoax, and U.S. industry is struggling”. If you keep up with manufacturing news, you’ve probably seen different variations of these statements popping up in headlines in your news feed over the past… Read more »
The Other Kind of Robot
We work with robots, although that statement might need a little clarification. The robots that we work with don’t always make big headlines in the news, and they’re not the walking, talking robots that you see on movie screens, but they’re robots nonetheless. We work with servos used in motion control systems, and that means… Read more »
Robots Learn Through Observation
The way that robots learn is much different from the way that humans learn. People are able to learn by observation. You can teach a human how to do something simply by showing them. If you want to teach someone how to make a salad, you show them how. They will learn how to slice… Read more »
Manufacturing’s Impact on the Environment
It’s hard not to have an impact on the environment. Really, there’s no way that you can exist without affecting the environment in some way. If you drive to the grocery store to buy some burger patties, there’s the environmental cost of the fuel you burned on your way to the store, as well as… Read more »
Security and the Internet of Things
It’s predicted that there will be 30 billion connected devices in the next 5 years, including 1 in 5 cars on the road. The Internet of Things certainly offers convenience and amazing potential, but is it possible that an extensive network of connected devices could create some security risks? Yes. Or, maybe no. It’s possible?… Read more »
Robots Learn to Fall With Style
A gyroscope is no substitute for an equilibrium. While some of the more sophisticated robots have been designed to maintain their balance, even when kicked, pushed, or shoved, many robots aren’t very stable. If you’ve ever seen a robot lose its balance, you know that they fall like a ton of bricks. What else would… Read more »
The Future of Servos
Indramat servo drives and servo motors revolutionized the motion control industry nearly 60 years ago. Now, the company is no longer known as Indramat, but servos are still instrumental in manufacturing, and a recent report predicts that servo drives and servo motors will become even more important over the next 5 years. Servo motors are… Read more »
Should We Be Scared of Robots?
Halloween is just around the corner, making this a perfect time to talk about all things spooky. Monsters are scary, and zombies are scary. Even downtime can be scary if you work in manufacturing. But are robots scary? Industrial robots have always been regarded as a friend of the manufacturer. Industrial automation has made some… Read more »