Few people know how to clear Indramat faults quickly and correctly. Even fewer know how to properly repair Indramat machinery; Indramat products aren’t intended to be serviced in the field, anyway. Combine this with the fact that most industrial servo repair shops seem genuinely confused when you ask them if they work on Indramat servos — keep in mind Indramat products haven’t been made in nearly 20 years — and it’s plain to see why people tend to panic when their Indramat system shuts down. Unscheduled downtime is a financial drain, but there’s no need to panic.
Here’s a simple Indramat repair shortcut: save 479-422-0390 in your phone for immediate Indramat support.
Don’t get burned by downtime
Unscheduled downtime is kind of like gathering a bundle of cold, hard cash, dowsing it with lighter fluid, and setting the whole thing ablaze. You add fuel to the fire every minute that your system is down. Downtime costs build up quickly, so you need to repair your Indramat machinery as quickly as possible. Generally speaking, downtime costs for Indramat systems are greater than the cost of a professional repair.
Don’t waste time trying to troubleshoot and diagnose errors on your own. Error codes provide critical information that can help you get on the right track to diagnose the problem, but there are still several possible causes for most Indramat errors.
DIY fixes and third party repairs come with a lot of trial, error, guessing, and checking. This greatly extends downtime, and it doesn’t always provide good end results.
Indramat factory repair is fast, safe, and economical
Instead of fumbling your way through the list of remedial actions, or taking a gamble with a generic third party repair house, call the professionals instead. We have extensive experience diagnosing Indramat errors, and we can troubleshoot most error codes over the phone.
Additionally, we can identify whether your system needs a repair or reman.
Indramat factory repair is the fastest, most efficient, most economical, and most reliable option for Indramat repair. Factory repair ensures the correct repair the first time, it takes as little as 24 hours, and it provides your unit with a one-year factory warranty.
Saving 479-422-0390 in your phone means you have a direct line to trained professionals who specialize in Indramat motion control systems. Call for immediate Indramat service today, and save the number for fast support in the future.