Finding a replacement Indramat part can be challenging for a couple of different reasons. The first being that Indramat drives, servo motors, and controls are no longer manufactured. They are legacy parts, which means that part quality and availability can vary greatly. The second obstacle in replacing Indramat parts is that it’s easy to get the wrong part.
Match the type code
You must match your new Indramat motor, drive, or control with the previous one. Only a replacement with an identical type code can prevent downtime and extra expense due to compatibility issues. You can locate the type code for your unit on the nameplate.
Sometimes people selling Indramat products don’t know exactly what they have. They don’t realize that each part of the type code expresses important information. You can’t just use any MKD motor to replace your MKD motor.
Can you spot the difference between an MKD071B-061-KG0-KN motor and a MKD071B-035-KG0-KN motor? Few people do, but the differences are significant.
Buying a replacement Indramat part from a generic third party is a gamble. You may or may not get the exact part that you need, and they may or may not offer support. It’s quite possible that the generic servo warehouse doesn’t know whether or not they’re sending the part you need, and they might not know how to help you when you have issues.
Professional support for Indramat systems
We offer a wide range of Indramat products for sale. We’re professionals who specialize in Indramat motion control systems, and we will ensure that you get the exact part that you need.
Another option is an Indramat factory repair or reman. Instead of replacing your unit with a new one, your original unit is restored to like-new condition. This avoids any potential for incompatibility, and it ensures that your drive, motor, or control will work with your system without the need for reconfiguration.
Factory repair and reman are the most cost-effective, efficient, and reliable methods for repairing Indramat products. We offer factory repair services with 24-hour turnaround. Call 479-422-0390 for any of your Indramat service needs. We answer calls 24/7 and have charter flights available when you need on site support fast.