Indramat servo motors last a long time. The servo batteries have a 10-year lifespan, and the lifetime lubricated bearings in Indramat motors are rated for 10 years of use. The actual lifetime of those bearings, however, varies greatly depending on how the motor was used, environmental factors, how well you maintained the motor, and several other variables. Indramat servos can run for decades without needing to be serviced. There’s one problem with a long-lasting motor that seldom needs maintenance, however. It’s really easy to lose your Indramat servo motor manual.
While it’s easy to lose Indramat manuals, it’s also easy to replace them.
Replacing an Indramat servo motor manual
Your old product manual is gone. It was lost in a move, thrown out with the trash, or used to prop a wonky table. Maybe it’s still tucked away, safe and sound, in some forgotten cabinet drawer. Most people only seek out their Indramat servo motor manual if they have a problem.
Since Indramat motors rarely have issues, however, people hardly ever reach for the manual. Considering how often people lose their keys – which is an item that you use on a daily basis – keeping tabs on a physical Indramat manual that you will use once every 20 years is a lost cause.
Here’s how to replace your Indramat servo motor manual.
- Identify the product type code. This information is located on the motor’s face plate. Be sure to provide the full information for your motor. For example, specify “MKD041B-144-GG0-KN” rather than just MKD motor.
- Fill out our manual request form. We will need a name and an email address to contact you.
That’s it. We will send you the electronic manual for the product that you need.
Call 479-422-0390 for any of your Indramat needs
It’s a good a good idea to keep a copy of your Indramat manual on hand. We’re here to help for any of your other Indramat needs, too. Call 479-422-0390 for error code support, preventive maintenance, factory repair, and more.