
You don’t necessarily need a new DDS02.2-W050-B drive if yours stops working. Indramat drive error codes indicate a problem with your system, but your drive may still be functional. Call 479-422-0390 and we’ll help you troubleshoot your Indramat DDS02.2-W050-B drive.

There’s your problem

Your Indramat system generates an error code, or multiple error codes, whenever there’s a problem. Even if your DDS drive stops working, the problem isn’t always with the drive itself. A problem anywhere down the line – whether it’s the battery cable, the signal, the motor, or somewhere in between – can shut your system down.

While error codes are meant to help you quickly diagnose the problem, the exact thing that caused the error code can take a while to track down, especially if you aren’t familiar with Indramat repair.

We specialize in Indramat repair, and we can diagnose your Indramat errors quickly and correctly. We’re often able to clear fault codes directly over the phone, and we can help you quickly move on to the next steps if you need a repair or replacement for your Indramat DDS02.2-W050-B drive.

Call 479-422-0390 for Indramat service

Whether the problem is in the drive, the motor, the control, or the power supply we can expedite the recovery process and get your system up and running again as quickly as possible.

We provide Indramat factory repair services with  a 24-hour turnaround. All factory repaired units return to you with a full one-year warranty. We can also arrange Indramat reman. Remanufactured units boast a two-year factory warranty.

We also have a wide range of Indramat units, including DDS02.2-W050-B drive, available should you prefer to purchase a replacement unit. Call us at 479-422-0390 for any of your Indramat motion control system needs.