Cybersecurity is a growing concern for businesses, manufacturers, and consumers alike as we move closer to the next industrial revolution. From work to social interactions to entertainment to housekeeping, our lives are becoming increasing digital, and technology continues to find its way into more and more aspects of everyday life.
Everything is going to eventually be connected. We know that our mobile devices, tablets, smartphones, laptops, and desktop computers are connected, but the ultimate vision for IoT and IIoT is everything communicating with everything, or at least to have that capability. Smart factories, wearable devices, sensors and beacons on shelves, delivery trucks – they’re all going to be in constant, responsive communication.
The more integral the internet becomes in our lives, the more attention we must give to cybersecurity. The lock on your door won’t matter as much as the digital door bar keeping all of your data and information safe. Here are a few cybersecurity tips to help you prepare for Industry 4.0.
Cyber security tips
Be aware of the risks. You have to keep your information safe from hackers and viruses, but it’s also possible to inadvertently give someone access to your information who shouldn’t have it.
Always log out of devices, apps, and accounts when they’re not in use.
Don’t store sensitive information such as social security numbers, bank account information, credit card information, health records, etc. on your mobile devices or work computer.
Don’t save passwords.
Don’t trust suspicious websites or applications with sensitive information.
Change defaults passwords.
Be careful using public WiFi.
Use a firewall to prevent external attacks.
Don’t share private or sensitive information on social media platform.
Open unknown links and emails with discretion.
Only enter or view sensitive information from devices that you own.
Don’t give out your account information.
Install anti-virus software.
Disable auto-connect features on your phone. Instead, manually connect to WiFi, Bluetooth, and other networks.
Back up your data.
Keep your operating system and software up to date.
Always keep an eye on your accounts to watch for strange activity.